Parish Council Annual Meeting May 17th at 8pm

You are welcome to attend the Parish Council Annual Meeting which commences at 8pm on May 17th.

Councillors will be meeting up face to face but the public are asked to join on zoom this time. We hope for the June meeting to have everyone face to face depending on guidance at the time.

Please join between 7.50 and 8.00pm to avoid disrupting the meeting

lgpc apm agenda May 2021

lgpc agenda May 2021

lgpc minutes April 2021

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Notes re the Public Meeting to discuss Church Road land issues

Paul Kelly, Chairman of the Parish Council, held a  Public Zoom meeting to discuss the issues around the land at Church Road on Tuesday 4th May at 8pm.

Including Councillors there were 94 people in attendance.

Villagers were concerned about the sale of the land in Church Road into smaller plots and the potential impact once new owners had taken possession.

Paul confirmed that the land is highly protected by Planning laws, it being in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, within a conservation area and subject to Article 4 direction even preventing creation of a means of access, erecting new fencing or temporary uses of the land without a planning application.

Residents suggested additional measures that could be taken to monitor the land against any illegal occupation/use and the possible creation of a working group to sit alongside the Parish Council. Next steps to be advised at future meetings, in the meantime as no illegal activity has yet taken place it was agreed that everyone should be vigilant but keep calm and carry on.