Cllr Elections May 2023

The deadline for receipt of Nominations for Parish and Borough Councillor elections is 4pm on 4 April at Dacorum Borough Council Elections Office.

Elections take place on Thursday, 4th May 2023, the same day as Borough Councillor elections.   To find out changes on voting requirements for both click here.

Please click below for nomination packs

Little Gaddesden Parish Council has 7 seats on the Council.    There is already one unfilled vacancy and there will be more.   So,  parishioners and the Parish Council need you to  take a moment to think about becoming a Cllr, to talk to us to find out more and to put yourself for, or encourage others, to stand for Parish Councillor.  For our contact details click here.

Eligibility, nomination papers and further background papers are available from the Electoral Commission website here.   And at on our website below

Nomination pack – Parish council election – Feb 2023

Nomination pack – Borough – Feb 2023

Anyone who wishes to stand for election or re-election must complete and submit a valid nomination paper to The Forum at The Marlowes, Hemel Hempstead, at the latest by 4pm on Tuesday, 4th April.

The Parish Clerk will hand deliver any nomination forms received by LGPC to Dacorum Borough Council Elections office at 10:30 am Monday 3 April.  Please contact the Clerk on 07951105810 or to arrange.


  • it is the responsibility of each candidate to ensure the accuracy of, and to submit, the necessary paperwork.
  • All candidates need to be proposed and seconded by someone registered to vote in the parish

Confirmation of nominations will be published by 4pm on Wednesday, 5th April.

In a contested election the vote count for Parish Councillors takes place on Friday 5th May.


it is a legal obligation for all candidates to submit an election expenses return and declaration by 1st June 2023 even if no expenses have been incurred.

All successful candidates must complete:

  • A declaration of acceptance of office must be signed before take seat at the first meeting.
  • A declaration of interests form must be done asap and returned to the elections officer and copy for LGPC files.

Outgoing councillors retire and new councillors take office on Tuesday 9th May, a day later than normal because of the coronation bank holiday on 8th May.

The annual meeting of the Council must be held on the 4th day after the election or within 14 days thereafter – the scheduled meeting is set for Monday 15th May.