Land advertised for sale in Church Road, Little Gaddesden

The land which has been put up for sale in a number of plots is some of the most highly protected land in Hertfordshire.

The planning restrictions on the land are extensive:

* The land is situated in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (Chilterns AONB) – similar protection as National Parks.

* No new housing development is permitted in Little Gaddesden – Dacorum Core Strategy / Local Planning Framework.

* Part of the land is in the Village Conservation Area.

* The land borders a Grade One listed Heritage Asset – The Church. The views of the Church from the rest of the village are considered part of the heritage of the village.

* The Planning Authority, Dacorum Borough Council, have made an Article 4(1) Direction – removing Permitted Development Rights related to fencing, access from Church Road and temporary use of the land.

* The land is agricultural/equestrian land in a rural area.

* The land has numerous footpaths crossing it, including the Chiltern Way.

The Parish Council will always fight plans to build on this historic land.