Green survey results and concern re Fireworks in the village

The Green.
Thanks very much to all those who kindly took part on the survey of the Green maintenance. The vote was 15 for regular cuts and 81 for the Wild Flower approach. The Parish Council will therefore continue with that approach but will endeavour to get the long grass cut and baled earlier than last year.

The driver visibility splays will be maintained in accordance with Hertfordshire County Council standards having a monthly cut 2 metres back from the highway along the whole length of the Green.

Along the full length of the footpath there will be an approximately one metre wide cut to enable people to pass along the path with buggies etc.

It would be great if, as soon as the nesting season permits,  those residents with hedges that over the years have spilled forward could give them a drastic cut back, so that pedestrians can have the full benefit of the surfaced area rather than be forced off the path.

As you know Ashridge Hult often have Fireworks associated with their weddings and I attach a list that has recently been shared with the Parish Council. These may change but we thought it may be helpful for you to know these.

Date.  Firing Time. Duration

Sat 26th March 2022.  21.00  5 minutes
Sat 2nd April 2022.       22.30 4.5 minutes
Fri 15th April 2022        21.50 4.5 minutes
Sun 17th April 2022     21.45 (TBC) 4.5 minutes
Fri 6th May 2022           21.30 4.5 minutes
Sat 14th May 2022       21.45 5-6 minutes
Sat 4th June 2022        21.45 (TBC) 5 minutes
Sun 26th June 2022    10.30 (TBC) 4 minutes
Fri 8th July 2022           TBC 5 minutes
Sat 30th July 2022      21.45 5 minutes
Sun 14th Aug 2022     TBC 6 minutes
Sun 28th Aug 2022     21.00 4 minutes
Fri 9th Sept 2022         21.15 5 minutes
Sat 10th Sept 2022     TBC 4 minutes
Sat 24th Sept 2022     TBC 5 minutes
Fri 7th Oct 2022            TBC 4.5 minutes
Sat 5th Nov 2022         21:30 (TBC) 4.5 minutes
Sat 31st Dec 2022       22.00 4.5 minutes

Although Ashridge certainly have a number of events across the year, so do villagers and the Parish Council does get complaints from time to time about the fireworks frightening pets and wildlife.

Cllr. Fruish has carried out some research on the subject and we would like to share that with you.

The RSPCA have an awareness poster.

For the details please click on the link below

The Parish Council will use some of the RSPCA campaign posters on the notice boards


The Government have information which is powerful.

Fireworks are used by people throughout the year to mark different events, e.g. Bonfire Night, New Year, Chinese New Year, Diwali, etc, and at private events such as weddings. While they can bring much enjoyment to some people, they can cause significant injury, problems and fear for other people and animals. The RSPCA therefore supports measures which will help ensure people can enjoy fireworks responsibly while mitigating potentially significant animal welfare problems for pets, horses, farm animals and wildlife.

For more detail please click on the link below


The British Veterinary Association have strong views on fireworks and animal welfare

