Telecommunications Mast proposed in Hudnall

Parish Council responses to questions NALC (National Association of Local Councils) are asking in relation to the Governments Telecommunication proposals.

LGPC Response to NALC on Electronic Infrastructure Consultation (002)



Latest news from Telefonica.

The Parish Council have asked Cornerstone for a response to the Parish Objection , the latest reply advises they are awaiting their client’s instructions.


They have reduced their proposed mast from 25 metres height to 20 metres, though still in the same location and have provided a response to our recent set of questions, see both attached.

Responses to questions to Cornerstone asked 23rd March 2021

20 metre proposal

Objection from Little Gaddesden Parish Council

Objection to the proposed base station 19.4.21

Summary Landscape and Visual Assessment to accompany the objection

Summary Landscape and Visual Assessment April 2021 rev 17.4.21



Original item below

Telefonica / O2 are proposing to install a 25 metre high mast at Holly Tree Farm off Hudnall Lane, to fill a gap in the network for Smart meter operation and to provide a mobile phone service. The Parish Council has been sent details of the proposal and we would like your feedback prior to the next Parish Meeting on 15th March.

Please speak to any of the Councillors or email the Clerk on the address below

Details and a Q&A can be found below. The Parish Council will add documents and further information as soon as it is available.

Please note that the consultation period offered to the Parish Council in the letter from the promoter Cornerstone has been extended to 5th April.

Latest Q&A and Search Maps (see below)



Q&A response to Parish Council

Original Proposal (see below)

86950_Cornerstone Planning Consultation Letter to Parish – Standard V.1

Telefonica Proposal

Cornerstone Health and Mobile Phone Base Stations Document V.2 (003)


Please find 2 documents below providing background reading


Code of Practice for mobile phone network development


Please see mock up views of the mast kindly prepared by one of our residents

Mock up views of mast from various locations


Please see below an example from the Chilterns Conservation Board of a response to a mast application in the AONB.

PENN ST FARM PL 20 3652 FA 22.5m telecomms mast CCB objection 7th Feb 2021


Original Q&A (see below)

Further to the proposal from Cornerstone for Telefonica / 02, I was able to speak to the surveyor, please see my questions and their answers below.


Why is the mast needed?

Primarily to fill a gap in the network that Telefonica/O2 are trying to close for the operation of Smart Meters but It will also provide mobile network communication.


Does the mast need to be so high?

The height of 25 metres is the height that the radio planner would like, however that can be subject to discussion, I guess the higher the better for them in terms of cover for the clearest signal

What area will this mast cover at 25 metre height, what is the impact if it were lower?

Surveyor will check and come back to us


Will you put additional equipment on over time?

Initial response was it might be that Vodafone ask to share the mast (I have read subsequently that Telefonica does have a sharing arrangement on mast sites between them and Vodafone)


Can you give us a Health and Safety briefing note about the operation of mast equipment?

Yes, already received and attached above


What if the landowner does not want to have a mast on his site?

Operator can insist on taking the land albeit a lengthy process


Do they need planning permission?

Surveyor said that they consult only with DBC though when I advised that the land was in an AONB the surveyor said it may then require a full planning application.


Can the mast be disguised as a tree?

Not really!


Can there be significant landscaping/vegetation screening to the east of the proposal (the more visible side)

Could be something they could look at.


Could they use the existing vehicular access to the adjoining field?



Could they move the mast further back into the field away from the housing?

Well it then becomes more expensive to get the services (electricity and BT cables) from the road to the mast, so not preferred by the promotor, the closer to the road the cheaper and better for them.


Is this the only location that would work for them?

Surveyor will check if there is a search area map that can be shared in case the village identified a better location.


How long have we got to respond to this initial letter?

Ideally 14 days, could be longer if needed


How long would the mast be in place?

Usually 10 year agreement that they would seek to renew, landowner can break if he needs the land back for redevelopment.

End of Q&A
Further info will be added below when available